Devonian Seas – Virtual Reality Experience In the Devonian Period (416 to 359 million years ago), as plants began to colonise land, there was an explosion of diversity among fish. From their jawless ancestors, fish evolved into thousands of species including armoured Placoderms and the ancestors ofRead more →
A Day in Pompeii opportunity Museum Victoria had planned a major exhibition on Pompeii at the Melbourne Museum called “A Day in Pompeii.” The Museum had created a mini surround-sound cinema and wanted an immersive digital component to the exhibition that was realistic, engaging and would educateRead more →
The Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia opportunity In 2012 Museum Victoria ran a 6-month long exhibition called “The Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia.” The exhibition was a window into the culture and innovation of the era. Following the success of “A Day in Pompeii,” ZERO ONE was contacted toRead more →
Alexander's Lost World Reconstructions of Ruined Cities From An Ancient Civilisation opportunity David Adams explores the world and its inhabitants, creating documentaries to help share the stories and history he uncovers. In a series co-produced with British Sky Vision, ‘Alexander’s Lost World’ investigates a civilisation that isRead more →