adidas wanted a virtual representation of their entire shoe catalogue on a touch screen wall – over 4000 shoes! They had to be of the highest quality and resolution and most importantly, be visually accurate copies of their shoes which in most cases are very detailed and complex. The shoes had to be manoeuvrable on a touch screen and be view able from any angle and zoom level. Exploded ‘Techsplit’ views would be created to animate the shoes into the different technology elements they are made up of. So we helped them create the adiVerse Footwear Wall.
The adiVerse Footwear Wall enables adidas to display their shoe range in any store either through a single screen or a touch screen wall. To add an additional layer of complexity, adidas updates their product range every 3 months and the shoes need to be set up in a way that new colour variations and models can be quickly added and updated remotely.
approach and method
ZERO ONE partnered with Wicked Witch Software to create a solution for adidas and is responsible for creating high quality 3D visualisations of new adidas shoes released every quarter. zero one worked hard to automate the process to merge the shoes into the Wicked Witch Engine, while ensuring that they are presented in the highest quality whether displayed on a single screen or replicated across multiple screens.
adidas have rolled out the adiVerse Footwear Wall out in over 50 flagship stores around Europe, as well as using the solution at trade and technology events. zero one continues to work closely with adidas.
A laser scanner is used to scan in shoes provided by adidas at a resolution high enough to provide stitching detail and other data that is converted into a normal map. Once the scan is finished, the shoes are retopologised to create high detail models that can be viewed with off the shelf hardware.
Once the shoes are textured they are exported to Wicked Witch Software’s real time engine and displayed on the adiVerse Virtual Wall.
Over 4000 shoes from adidas’ range have been digitised and rebuilt in photoreal 3D and are displayed in real time on the ‘adiVerse Virtual Wall’ touchscreens in adidas’ international stores. The award-winning Start JG created the design, layout and interface, then pulled together zero one for the assets and environments and Wicked Witch Software for the graphics engine to help realise their vision.